Saturday, December 4, 2010

Renewing vigour

Having been unsuccessful at getting a deputy headship at a nearby school yesterday, I awakened at 3.12 this morning and wasn't able to get back to sleep with the lack of success running through my mind.

I suppose I shouldn't be too was my first deputy interview (last time this happened, it was for the assistant headship I currently hold). Maybe the next interview will bode well. For now, I hold a job that has seen success at school.

One thing that did occur to me was, rather than my previous head robbing me of five and a half years of career development time, it is down to me to ensure that I renew my own sense of purpose and enjoyment of the job of teaching that I entered more than a decade ago.

As such, I'm returning to where I was so long ago when I entered - enthusiastically - it is down to me to get the job done - successfully.

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